Tuesday, August 28, 2012



sales engineer, 而且还是一个中国公司。一直到上个星期我都不会想到我的第一份工作会是这个样子的。interview 了这么多次其他的工作,没想到这次只是去谈一谈就很幸运的得到了这个机会。四个月里,低潮然后又振作接着又低潮。。过得真不是味道。钱方面的压力,亲戚朋友的压力都让我一度对我的前途感到绝望。我开始怀疑我自己的能力,对自己也失去了信心。

就在我答应要接受这个offer 之前,我还是犹豫了很久。原因就是因为对于sales这方面,我没有太大的自信。一个连在学校presentation都紧张的半死的人,以后要以presentation 混饭吃,我能吗?但收集大家的意见后,我想通了。凡是不做就不会知道。我决定放手一搏,反正我还年轻。说不定我会学到我终生受用的人际与沟通技巧。


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This is my first post after the hacker invasion into my blog. Life has not changed since my last post. Still unemployed. Worries and emotions come in everyday even I told myself there are jobs out there just that I am not lucky enough to meet them. I am desperately trying out any jobs as long as they require no prior experience. I started to take every interview chance very seriously because I do not know the next waiting period is how long before I pick up a call for interview again. I hope the coming one will bring me a good news and drag me out of my lazy and aimless life.