Monday, September 27, 2010

My usual post-test symptom

My mood is grey colour now.
I have the post-test symptom.
emo is the thing I gonna do at least for the next days,
because of this ESE3201 midterm test.....

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I hope my dad's medical check up tomorrow will be fine although I can't accompany him to go..

Friday, September 17, 2010

'RECESS' week

I have finished half of my semester (half more semester to Hong Kong !!!).

Things to be done in this one week recess week:
a) do revision for 4 mid-term tests
b) one lab report
c) one mini project
d) one presentation ppt
e) HELA report

Looks like I gonna spend most of my time in hall during recess week to do my works when people all go back to their home :(

Friday, September 3, 2010

Half way through the semester

I am very discouraged to do everything recently. My mood is very down. I am very tired mentally. Partly is because of the increasing work quantity I would need to handle after getting into year 3, another reason is those irritating CCAs I need to commit in my hall. I am left with so little of time for myself. I really wish I would have more time to study and do all my assignments.

This is me. I always have a very negative thinking when I cannot or failed to solve my problems. I will start to look very sienz, talk less and a bit anti social. But the good thing is my way of thinking will change when there is inspiration. It could be a word from other people or I've successfully done something. But can this inspiration come faster??